Introducing Cogmo Kids pre-school program operating in Zumikon since August 2015.
Places: Cogmo Kids offers a maximum of 14 places, maintaining small group sizes that focus on the specific needs of each child.
Target Groups: Cogmo preschool target age group is between 18 months and 4 years (+/-). This is when children are engaged in significant developmental work including self-construction and building functional independence, therefore their first „school“ experience is most impressionable!
Pedagogical approach: Using the „discovery“-model and a completely bilingual (English/German) approach that focuses on learning through play, the children’s „work“ (purposeful activities) will include:
''...young children effortlessly assimilate the stimuli of their environment including language, culture, the development of concepts, information from the senses...''
Our qualified teaching team has been together for more than 5 years. They are mother-tongue English, Swiss German and German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish with additional fluency in French.
The Cogmo learning environment will offer activities and materials that promote:
Location: We have more than 150 sq meters indoors devoted to gross motor activities, a fine motor/sensorial/ imaginary play activity room, a separate Art and Music room, AND multiple GREAT outdoor facilities on our doorstep!
Our curriculum includes:
Autonomy and Separation: Separation anxiety for parents and little ones is always an issue when thinking of preschool! We will accommodate your family’s needs and encourage parents to stay, if they feel their child needs them there, and to be involved as long as it is necessary to settle their little one into the program!
Inclusion and Integration: Our pre-school is fully inclusive, offering places to all children. We have a close working relationship with “Heilpedagoginen” and other therapists to provide a safe and caring environment for children who may have special needs including
• Special dietary needs including severe allergies
• Autistic spectrum
• Down, Rett, Dravet syndrome and others
Other physical and cognitive delays, and behavioural issues
Cogmo Kids Pre-school is a licenced KITA
Afterschool program for Kindergarten children
Cogmo Kids offers limited places to Kindergarten children for afterschool program which includes:
Our preschool program runs 49 weeks of the year, providing extra places available over the school holiday for children from other schools which may be on holiday.
Additional sports and ballet camps are arranged according to demand.